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OptraSCAN’s Breast Cancer Morphology Analysis

For Analysis of Breast Carcinoma

Breast Cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer among women and can cause an unfavorable effect if left neglected for a long time. Nevertheless, its early examination provides vital treatment, therefore improving the prognosis and the chance of survival. Today’s advanced techniques of image analysis that target this condition have immense potential to reduce the workload in a typical clinical lab and to enhance the quality of interpretation.

One of the prevalent issues in the field is that the biomarkers can be scored by a computer, but most computers find it challenging to locate the tumor.

OptraSCAN’s Breast Carcinoma Analysis technology solves this problem. Our Breast Carcinoma Analysis Solution aims at analyzing and interpreting breast carcinoma images, in order to identify and quantify tumor. Along with identifying tumor clusters, it also highlights and measures areas of invasive carcinoma and DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma In Situ). Some of the parameters that could be quantified include the total tissue area, tumor area as well as invasive cellularity. This acts as a companion diagnostic* tool to aid the pathologist in making the above identifications, which otherwise could be greatly challenging and time-consuming.

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  • Evaluation of tumor (invasive carcinoma) area and the tissue area
  • Automated evaluation of invasive cellularity in the tumor area
  • Identification of DCIS