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Discover AI-Driven Insights
with the OS-SiA Cytology Scanner

Scanned With Histology Scanner Mobile


Experience the future of pathology with cutting-edge AI technology designed to revolutionize diagnostic accuracy and efficiency. Introducing our latest innovation: a new generation AI-enabled digital scanner that revolutionizes pathology workflows. Seamlessly scan, index, and analyse cytology slides simultaneously.

OS-SiA Digital Pathology Scanner

The OS-SiA from OptraSCAN offers a groundbreaking feature where it seamlessly integrates scanning and real-time analysis of cell samples. This simultaneous scanning and analysis capability significantly expedites the diagnostic process by eliminating the need for separate scanning and analysis stages.

As the OS-SiA scans cytology slides, it instantly applies its digital pathology artificial intelligence to analyze cellular features. This real-time analysis not only accelerates the overall workflow but also allows pathologists to promptly access preliminary insights as slides are being scanned. By providing immediate feedback, the OS-SiA enables pathologists to make rapid decisions and prioritize cases requiring further examination.

The OS-SiA scanner, effortlessly integrates with OptraSCAN's cloud-enabled brightfield scanners, offering exceptional flexibility and customization options. Its usability is further enhanced through AI-based modules that can be trained for classification tasks, such as distinguishing tumour cells from features, and train models for future image analysis.

Histopathology Brightfield Slide Scanner

Features of OS-SiA Artificial Intelligence Digital Pathology Scanner

  • Simultaneous Scanning and Real-Time Analysis: Scan, analyse and segregate cell samples simultaneously, expediting diagnostics.
  • AI-Enabled Interpretation: AI algorithms provide intelligent interpretation of cellular features for enhanced accuracy.
  • High-Resolution Imaging: Capture clear images for precise analysis, aiding pathologists in diagnosis.
  • Flexible Viewing Options: View whole slide images locally or remotely for convenient access.
  • Deep Learning Capabilities: Incorporates deep learning for self-learning and improved system performance.
  • Customizable Reporting: Generate customizable reports with annotated images and analysis findings for comprehensive documentation.
  • Scalable Solution: Adapt to varying laboratory needs with a scalable pathology lab solutions that accommodates increasing sample volumes and demands.

Frequently Asked Questions

AI pathology refers to the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to assist pathologists in analyzing and interpreting pathological images, aiming to improve diagnostic accuracy and efficiency.

AI can assist with various pathology tasks, including image analysis for detecting abnormalities, classification of tissue types, quantification of biomarkers, predictive modelling for patient outcomes, and assisting pathologists in diagnostic decision-making.

Incorporating AI into pathology workflows enhances diagnostic accuracy by aiding in data analysis and interpretation, while also improving efficiency by automating routine tasks.

Yes, AI pathology tools can improve diagnostic accuracy by providing pathologists with augmented analysis capabilities, helping identify subtle patterns and anomalies that might be missed by human eyes alone, thus enhancing overall diagnostic precision.

AI pathology reduces turnaround times for diagnoses by automating tasks like slide scanning and preliminary analysis, enabling faster processing of samples and accelerating the overall diagnostic workflow, ultimately leading to quicker patient results.

Yes, AI pathology systems are designed to integrate seamlessly with existing laboratory infrastructure, offering flexibility to adapt to various hardware and software setups, ensuring compatibility and easy implementation without significant overhaul or disruption.

The OS-SiA integrates algorithms directly into its Scanner, eliminating the requirement for additional processing/analytics applications. Users receive not only the scanned image but also the analysis output immediately after scanning, streamlining the diagnostic process.

Stringent encryption protocols, access controls, and compliance with privacy regulations like HIPAA, ensuring robust protection against unauthorized access or breaches, maintaining confidentiality and integrity of patient information.