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OS-FL Multiplexing Fluorescence Slide Scanner

OS-FLi Fluorescence & Brightfield Digital Pathology Scanner


Our OS-FL fluorescence imaging scanner is designed to empower researchers, clinicians, and laboratories with cutting-edge capabilities for a wide range of applications. With unparalleled performance and versatility, OS-FL redefines the standards for fluorescence imaging, delivering exceptional results with every scan.

OS-FL Multiplexing Fluorescence Slide Scanner

OptraScan's OS-FL fluorescence imaging scanner is engineered to provide high-resolution imaging across a spectrum of fluorescent dyes and labels. Built with advanced optics and intelligent software algorithms, OS-FL offers precise detection and quantification of fluorescence signals, enabling detailed analysis of cellular structures, biomarkers, and molecular interactions. Whether you're conducting basic research, diagnostic pathology, or drug discovery, OS-FL delivers unmatched imaging quality and reliability.

These scanners come bundled with OptraSCAN's proprietary software solutions such as IMAGEPath® an Image Management System tailored for viewing, storing, and archiving as well as TELEPath®, Telepathology software used for real-time, remote consultations.

OS-FLi Fluorescence & Brightfield Digital Pathology Scanner

Applications of OS-FL Fluorescence Slide Scanner

Features of Fluorescence Slide Scanner

  • High-resolution fluorescence imaging: Capture fine details and subtle fluorescence signals with exceptional clarity and precision.
  • Wide spectral range: Accommodate a variety of fluorescent dyes and labels for diverse applications in life sciences and medical research.
  • Automated scanning: Streamline your workflow with automated scanning protocols and intuitive software controls for efficient operation.
  • Multiplex imaging: Simultaneously detect multiple fluorescent markers to visualize complex biological processes and interactions.
  • Versatile applications: From immunofluorescence staining and protein expression analysis to cell imaging and molecular diagnostics, OS-FL offers versatility across a broad range of research areas.
  • Seamless integration: Integrate OS-FL seamlessly into your existing laboratory infrastructure for seamless workflow integration and compatibility with other analytical tools.

Why Choose OS-FL - Fluorescence Slide Scanner

  • High-Resolution Imaging: The OS-FL scanner provides high-resolution images, essential for detailed analysis and accurate diagnostics. This capability ensures that even the smallest cellular structures can be clearly observed and studied.
  • Multichannel Fluorescence: Supporting multichannel fluorescence imaging, OS-FL allows simultaneous viewing of multiple fluorescent markers, essential for experiments requiring observation of various cellular components within the same sample.
  • Automated Scanning: The scanner offers automated scanning capabilities, which save time and reduce human error. Users can set up their scanning protocols and let the machine handle the process, improving workflow efficiency and consistency.
  • Quantitative Analysis: The OS-FL scanner includes software that enables quantitative analysis of fluorescence intensity. This is vital for research that requires precise measurement of fluorescence signals, such as in quantitative immunofluorescence studies.
  • High Throughput: The OS-FL scanner can process a large number of slides in a single session, which is ideal for high-throughput environments such as clinical labs or large research projects.
  • Reliability and Durability: Known for its robust design, the OS-FL scanner is built to be durable and reliable, providing consistent performance over time. This longevity is critical for laboratories that require dependable equipment for continuous use.

Frequently Asked Questions

A fluorescence slide scanner illuminates tissue samples with specific wavelengths of light, causing fluorophores within the sample to emit light at longer wavelengths, which is then captured by a camera to generate high-resolution images for analysis.

Fluorescence scanning offers superior contrast, enabling visualization of specific cellular structures or molecular markers within samples that may be otherwise difficult to discern with traditional brightfield imaging. Additionally, fluorescence scanning allows for multiplexing, enabling simultaneous detection of multiple targets within the same sample.

Fluorescence slide scanners can image various biological samples including tissue sections, cell cultures, microarrays, and protein arrays, allowing for detailed analysis of cellular structures, protein expression patterns, and molecular interactions. These scanners are particularly useful in biomedical research, pathology, drug discovery, and diagnostics.

Fluorescence scanning enables researchers to study cellular processes, biomarker expression, and disease mechanisms with high sensitivity and specificity, advancing understanding of biological systems and facilitating drug discovery. In diagnostics, it aids in identifying disease markers, characterizing tissues, and guiding treatment decisions with enhanced precision and efficiency.

When selecting a fluorescence slide scanner, factors such as resolution, sensitivity, multiplexing capabilities, compatibility with fluorophores, and software features for image analysis and data management should be evaluated to ensure optimal performance and suitability for specific research or diagnostic needs. Additionally, considerations regarding throughput, automation, cost, and support services may influence the decision-making process.

Yes, fluorescence slide scanners can be integrated with other laboratory equipment such as automated Lab management systems and image analysis software, enabling streamlined workflows and enhanced data analysis capabilities.