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OptraScan’s Z-Stack

And Extended Depth Of Field Volume Scan Solution For Cytology

Multiplanar/Multilayer Scan

Conventional scan routines within a narrow focal range have limitations for Cytology smear slides, as cytology slides have three-dimensional cell groups. This complex multilayer distribution of cells requires multi-layer/multiplanar scanning – a critical component for morphologic analysis for cytopathologists. OptraSCAN’s volume scan routine provides a dual mode for scanning and viewing cytology smears; Z – stacking and extended depth focusing algorithm.

Z-Stacking Technology

A stack of images is generated at different focal planes along the z- axis. The viewing software enables the user to navigate, zoom up and down the different planes to detect the three-dimensional regions in focus.

Extended Depth Of Field

Volume scan using z-stacks is expensive in terms of scan time and size due to its multilayer nature. OptraSCAN’s extended depth of field algorithm generates a single, entirely focused composite image to screen an entire image effectively, easily, and systematically.

Cytology Image Scanner Slides

OptraSCAN Cytology

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  • Smaller file size compared to multiplane images, making it relatively more compact.
  • Faster acquisition process.
  • Provides efficient and user-friendly navigation for accurate interpretation, sharing, and archiving purposes.
Cytology Slide Scanner Analysis

For North America, CytoSiA is for Research Use Only

Features Of Optrascan’s Volume Scanning Technology

  • Fully automated multilayer scanning at different focal depths.
  • Automated and User configurable focal intervals for Z stacking
  • Ideal for Rapid On-site evaluation for adequacy of cytology samples (Rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE)

To know more about our Cytology Imaging Solution

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